2012 Color Report

Die Zeitschrift " House Beautiful" hat eine frage gestellt. Die frage lautet: " What`s your favorite Colour?"Mit den  antworte bin ich zufrieden. 
Was findet ihr? Welche farbe liegt euch am Herzen?

1. You love blue. 29% of people said their favorite color in general was blue.
2. Everyone loves to paint. 77% of readers either just finished painting, are now painting, or plan to paint in the next six months
3. Orange is in. Orange was popular with both bloggers (60%) and readers (45%). On the other side of the scale, 27% of bloggers chose brown as "out" and 29% of readers chose pink.
4. Yellow kitchens are your favorite. We polled readers about their favorite room colors. For kitchens, yellow had a narrow win over white.
5. Designers love red and white. When we polled designers about their favorite room colors, they prefer white living rooms and kitchens and red dining rooms.
6. Each region in America has a color preference. We found that the West Coast loves blue bedrooms, yellow kitchens are big in the Midwest, and orange is the hot color choice in the Southeast.
7. Purple is hot. 35% of designers said purple was the hottest color right now.
8. We want to sleep in blue. Both readers and designers chose blue as the number one bedroom color.
9. Green and purple are rising stars. Design bloggers voted for green (27%) and purple (29%) as the colors on their radar.
10. Our tastes change as we get older. The over-45 crowd prefers white living rooms, green dining rooms, and yellow kitchens. The under-45 crowd chose gray living rooms, blue dining rooms, and white kitchens.

 Ich finde Blau auch die schönste Farbe. Gibt´s nichts Schöneres als ein Sommer Tag!Oder?
Mir gefällt auch Rot und weiß ( aber mir persönlich fehlt das  Gold!!!).
Purple..... purple ist meine neue Entdeckung. Ganz verliebt in Purple.
